Notre Fondatrice Elizabeth Arden
Feministe. Visionnaire. Pionnière.

Elizabeth Arden croyait en la réinvention, l'innovation et la redéfinition constante de la beauté. Elle croyait qu'il fallait repousser les limites du possible et s'efforçait de rentre les femmes autonomes par le biais de la beauté et de la confiance en soi.
Aujourd'hui, la vision d'Elizabeth Arden, son esprit d'entreprenariat et son engagement à soutenir et à célébrer les femmes restent notre mission et notre inspiration.
Les débuts
Miss Arden ouvre son premier salon Red Door sur la Cinquième Avenue à New York.

Skincare and Colour
Elizabeth Arden introduces a full line of skincare and colour cosmetics. She also creates the first travel-size products.

The Multitasking Wonder
Eight Hour® Cream is introduced to the world. Today, it is still loved by makeup artists and beauty influencers worldwide thanks to its myriad of uses and benefits.

Marching On
Elizabeth Arden marched down Fifth Avenue to support women’s voting rights, handing out red lipstick to fellow suffragettes as a symbol of solidarity.

True Innovator
With many notable beauty innovations, first of its kind services and successes under her belt, Elizabeth Arden becomes the first businesswoman to appear on the cover of TIME magazine.

Royal Warrant
Royal Warrant appointed by HM The Queen Elizabeth II.

The Iconic Fragrance
The signature fragrance, Red Door, makes its grand entrance. The scent was inspired by the namesake salon.

The Capsule
The first of its kind, iconic gold capsule Ceramide Capsules launches.

Expanding the Line
Elizabeth Arden launches PREVAGE® a skincare collection formulated with the powerful antioxidant, Idebenone, to address skin ageing caused by environmental aggressors. The same year, Pure Finish Mineral Makeup is introduced to the world.

A Beautiful Centennial
Elizabeth Arden celebrates 100 years of beauty.